
混合课程, 由德州高等教育协调委员会(THECB)定义, is a “course in which a majority (更多的 than 50 percent but less than 85 percent), 计划中的 指令 发生在学生和老师不在同一个地方的时候.” Hybrid courses allow the University to offer additional classes and provide alternative 学习 environments and achieve maximum classroom utilization.

The goal of Hybrid courses is to join the best features of in-class teaching 智慧h the best features of online 学习 to promote active independent 学习 and to reduce class seat-time. 使用电脑科技, instructors use the Hybrid model to redesign some lecture or lab content into new online 学习 activities, 比如案例研究, 教程, 自我练习, 模拟, 以及在线小组合作.


混合学院为期8周,以混合形式授课. The online component is delivered through Blackboard and organized into 8 Modules. 每个模块都有指定的阅读材料, 补充材料, 讨论, 工件的作业, 蓝图和要完成的任务. Mandatory live sessions are also held to have deeper conversations of given topic, guest speakers and opportunity to work on the course and get feedback from peers. 模块组织如下:

  • 单元1:什么是混合学习?
  • 模块2:学习目标
  • 单元3:评估学习者
  • 单元4:可访问性
  • 模块5:学习活动
  • 单元6:材料
  • 单元7:课堂内外的科技
  • 模块8:课程概述 


Successful completion of the workshop includes 可交付成果 for this workshop include all assigned tasks found 智慧hin each module, 包括:

  • 模块课小测验
  • Blueprinting Assignments for 4 modules worth of the course participant is developing
  • 模块讨论每个模块的参与情况
  • 工件的作业
  • 《反思
  • Designing and developing 4 Modules worth of Hybrid course in development shell
  • 召开已开发课程的内部质量管理评审会议


  • 完成质量事项的应用. 工作坊名单载于以下网址: 教师培训
  • Chair approve course to be offered in the Hybrid format in the following semester. 将提供协议表格供审批.
  • Fall -> Spring
  • Spring -> Fall or Summer


  • 教师 can teach using a variety of online and in-class teaching strategies, which make it possible to achieve course goals and objectives 更多的 effectively.
  • The hybrid model allows faculty to develop solutions to course problems and to incorporate new types of interactive and independent 学习 activities that were not possible in traditional courses.
  • Instructors report that they feel 更多的 connected 智慧h their students and are able to get to know them better since they communicate both online and face-to-face.
  • Hybrid environments have the potential to increase and extend instructor-student and student-to-student connectivity and to build relationships even 更多的 so than in traditional or online courses (Dziuban, 哈特曼, & 龙舌兰,2004).
  • Discussions started in class are continued online and online interaction often carries over into the traditional face-to-face classes.
  • Integration of out-of-class activities 智慧h in-class activities allows for 更多的 有效利用传统课堂时间.
  • Students who rarely take part in class 讨论 are 更多的 likely to participate online (Garnham & Kaleta, 2002).
  • 教师 believes that their students learn 更多的 in the hybrid format than they do in traditional class sections.
  • 教师报告说,学生的论文写得更好, 考试表现更好, 产生了更高质量的项目, and were capable of 更多的 meaningful 讨论 on course material when reflecting online.
  • Students are better able to master concepts and apply what they have learned compared to students in sections of their traditionally taught courses.
  • 学生可以发展更高层次的批判性思维技能, 解决问题, and the ability to apply theoretical models to real-world data (Donoghue, 2011).
  • Learning to teach a successful hybrid course leads to using 更多的 participatory and student-centered 学习 activities.
  • Teaching a hybrid course transforms the teacher-student relationship to be 更多的 centered on student 学习.
  • Instructors found that their role as a teacher changed from being the "sage on the stage" to become 更多的 facilitative and learner-centered.
  • Many instructors report that their course management system has increased their pedagogic efficiency because of its ability to organize the course and automate some basic activities such as quizzes, 分级, 及调查(Bersin 2004).
  • 所有的讨论线程, 过程文档, 公告, 成绩很容易找到, 指, 必要时打印出来.
  • It's far easier to document online group work and participation for purposes of assessment.
  • Asynchronous online courses allow students to work around job schedules and other activities. 许多学生必须工作才能支付学费
  • Less face-to-face time means less commuting by students – they save money on gas and create less traffic/parking issues
  • 在2012年ECAR调查中, about 75% of students said it was important that instructors use cutting-edge technologies
  • Blackboard has recently upgraded to a very new look and feel and has added several key functionalities
  • Online/hybrid courses also reduce the need for space, which is a considerable issue for 赌博平台
  • Dziuban C. D.哈特曼,J. L., & Moskal P. D. (二四年三月三十日). 混合学习. 教育应用研究中心,2004(7). 检索自http://www.educause.edu/ir/library/pdf/ERB0407.pdf
  • Garnham C., & Kaleta R. (2002年3月20日). 混合课程简介. 今日科技教学,8(6). 检索 9月, 25, 2013, from http://d.wanfangdata.com.cn/details/detail.d.佤联军.edu/ttt/articles/garnham.htm
  • 多诺霍F. (2011年7月). 在线学习的优势. 高等教育编年史. 2013年10月1日检索自http://chronicle.com/blogs/innovations/the-strengths-of-online-学习/29849
  • Bersin J. (2004). 混合式学习书. 旧金山,加州:菲佛.
  • “电子学习." Advantages of 网上教学: Wentworth Institute of Technology E-Learning. http://www.智慧.edu. N.p., n.d. 网络. 10月16日. 2013.


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