


Edna Sanclemente和她的家人在毕业典礼上
It makes perfect sense that Edna Sanclemente feels drawn to the field of international organizations — “International” is practically her middle name.

桑克莱门特出生在哥伦比亚, 她在路易斯安那州度过了部分童年时光, 他在伦敦上高中,在巴黎上大学, 住在德克萨斯州, 在墨西哥工作.

“I have an international background, so that’s why I want to work in that area,”她说。. “我父亲是雪佛龙石油公司的一名石油工程师. His job required him to work overseas and this provided me with the opportunity to live and study in different parts of the world.”

Sanclemente已经准备好在她的职业生涯中继续前进了  德州大学里奥格兰德谷分校公共事务在线硕士 完美的4分.2016年8月GPA为0. She also earned bachelor’s degrees from The American University of Paris and the University of Texas-Pan American, 这是两所合并成赌博平台的学校之一.

“我一直在墨西哥的一个非营利组织工作,就在边境附近,”桑克莱门特说. “I originally owned my own business [a day spa] before I took over this nonprofit project. 这就是为什么我对转行到公共部门更感兴趣的原因. I think my heart was more for serving the general public than serving private industry. That’s when I figured I really needed to get my MPA to get the knowledge and the skills I needed for that career change.”


Since January 2012, Sanclemente has been a Project Manager for Arboledas de Reynosa A.C. 在墨西哥雷诺萨,靠近她的家乡德克萨斯州麦卡伦.

“It’s an organization that is funded by the World Bank to build low-income housing for families that are non-salary. 换句话说, people that were local street vendors or single mothers that didn’t qualify for general credits,”她说。. “我们建造了500套住房,现在也在管理抵押贷款. 这对我来说既充满挑战又很充实. It’s always good to help people — especially in the area and the community where you live.”

目前项目已进入最后阶段, Sanclemente is looking at possibly taking a full-time consulting position with Pan American Health Organization in Washington, D.C. She did an eight-week internship with that organization shortly after she graduated from 赌博平台. The full-time position would be with the same team she worked with in strategic initiatives during the internship.

“During my internship at PAHO I was able to attend the annual meeting of all the member countries,桑克莱门说. “有48个成员国,所以它有点像一个迷你的联合国. 当然, 都是以健康为导向的, 以寨卡病毒的最新进展为主题, 根除麻疹, 还有其他健康问题. 我有幸会见了许多来自不同国家的卫生部长, 所以这对我来说是一次很棒的经历.”

Additionally, she gained valuable insight into the management side of the organization.

“当然,这就是我去那里的原因,”她说. “泛美卫生组织正在更新其整个行政系统. 它正在从基于纸张的系统转向基于云的系统. 我在帮助他们培训人员并制定培训文件, 例如工作辅助和标准操作程序. 我能够把我新获得的MPA技能运用到工作中.”


Edna Sanclemente在赌博平台毕业典礼上

Sanclemente, 他也是棕榈谷教会的青年领袖志愿者, 你原本打算在赌博平台上夜校来获得MPA学位吗. 然而,在线课程更适合她繁忙的日程安排.

“工作量很大,”她说. “我不得不经常熬夜工作, 但这绝对是一个可行且完美的时间表. 当然, 我的孩子都长大了, but there were other classmates that had full time jobs and small children and it was even harder for them.”

她的孩子们说, 弗兰切斯卡·洛萨(24岁), 胡里奥·洛萨(21岁)和萨曼莎·洛萨(18岁), 看到她回到学校攻读硕士学位,我们很激动吗. Francheska recently graduated from Harvard, while Julio and Samantha are just starting college.

“他们都很兴奋,他们都支持我,”她说. “这让我完成这个项目容易多了. 当我说:“好吧,我今天不能做这个,因为我要学习。.'”


“我非常自豪,我的孩子们也非常自豪,”桑克莱门特说. “他们说,‘哦,天哪,妈妈,我们不知道你这么聪明.“很好。, 尤其是我的孩子都上大学了, 所以我告诉他们, 你所付出的时间和精力会让你收获很多. 你可以做到的. 你只需要用心学习你所学的东西.'”

Sanclemente walked the stage at the graduation ceremony a few months after she finished her MPA online.

“我最初的想法是,‘我不会走路. 我是8月份完成的,’”她说. “The school has two graduations, so they didn’t have one in August, but I walked in December. 这无疑赋予了成就的情感价值.”


天空——当然还有场地——似乎是桑克莱门特职业生涯的极限. She now has an even deeper knowledge of all of the aspects of being a leader for an international organization, 包括伦理和基金写作.

“My favorite class was probably the Public Service Ethics [PAFF 6310] course,”她说。. 一些要求的视频是哈佛大学伦理课“正义”课的. 那真的很有趣. I enjoyed it because it created a lot of discussion within the class and with my classmates about ‘What do you think is correct?或者“作为一名公务员,在这种情况下你会怎么做??'”

Sanclemente补充说,Grant Writing & 基金发展[PAFF 6317]课程让我大开眼界.

“基金会指南”, 我甚至都不知道有这样一个可以访问数千笔拨款的数据库. The class taught us how to apply for grants including how to write proposals,”她说。. “这也很有趣.”

除了朋友和家人给她的支持, 桑克莱门特也从学校得到了很多鼓励, 包括MPA项目联合协调员  Dr. Aziza Zemrani.

“她知识渊博,经验丰富,”桑克莱门特说. “She has an incredible background, so it was always good to talk to her and get her support.”

桑克莱门特说,在网上获得MPA学位绝对值得花时间和精力. She also has some advice for anybody considering the same online degree program: “I really think it’s important to have a schedule down,”她说。. “很容易落后. 如果你不跟上阅读进度,你肯定会落后的. 你必须有一个固定的时间表和分配的学习空间. 我会选第一个. 在你开始MPA之前,确保你的生活不是疯狂的.

“你还需要精通电脑. 你需要知道如何做有创意的演讲和幻灯片. 如果你没有受过这样的训练, you definitely need to get that before or maybe have somebody help you out throughout the program.”


Sanclemente couldn’t imagine ever doing anything other than working for an international organization for the rest of her career. And she says that her passion for people of all nationalities originates all the way back at Mayrmount International School in London: “I loved it,”她说。. “我和女孩们都来自不同的背景和国籍. 尽管我们的文化存在差异,你还是学会了相处. And you become really close; you become like sisters. 去年我们举行了第30届同学聚会. 我们从不同的国家飞来,学校为我们准备了一个有趣的周末. 太有趣了.”


了解 德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德谷在线MPA项目.

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