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Become a Leader in Nutrition

Thursday, September 29, 2016 | 12:00 AM

领导力是将一群松散的专业人士转变为一个能够解决复杂问题的高效团队的关键. 营养学的领导者是能够指导一组营养师和营养学家朝着共同目标前进的人. These individuals often hold a master’s degree in nutrition and have years of experience managing a team.

Why Are Leaders Important in Nutrition?

营养学的领导者可以激励一群营养学家达到一个复杂的目标. 这些小组通常在大型设施中工作,需要多名营养学家的协调. For example, 一个现代的医院系统可能需要一个营养学家团队为他们的病人制定个性化的饮食计划,并做出改变来弥补不足. Perhaps a large company wants to offer all its employees meals. To coordinate this, 营养学家团队必须为公司在世界各地的办事处提供多样化和健康的菜单. 营养经理负责监督团队,并制定机构计划,为医院或公司设定一定的标准.

How Can I Become a Leader in Nutrition?

营养学硕士学位是成为该领域领导者的第一步,因为许多州都将硕士学位作为营养学家寻求州认证的先决条件. Furthermore, 硕士学位是证明你在医疗保健沟通等领域打下坚实基础的一种方式, dietary research, nutritional changes, disease prevention and financing. Finally, to become a leader, 你必须通过与团队合作来获得经验——从小处做起,循序渐进.

Master’s Degree in Nutrition

A nutritionist education does not have to be complicated. Thanks to the proliferation of online courses, 在职营养学家可以在不到12个月的时间内完成硕士速成学位. 这些在线学位足够灵活,在职专业人士可以在不放弃现有专业义务的情况下攻读这些学位. 在线课程包括肥胖预防和治疗等课程, Integrative Nutrition, and Perspectives and Treatment Modalities of Eating Disorders. 这些项目还提供管理课程,如卫生保健政策、组织和融资.

Leadership in nutrition is more important than ever before. 数以百万计的美国人患有肥胖症,还有许多人患有营养不良, 如果我们要找到解决办法,有远见和可行计划的合格营养学家是必要的. 获得营养学硕士学位是使自己成为该领域领导者的一种方法.

Learn about 德克萨斯大学里奥格兰德谷健康科学硕士课程营养在线课程.


“Dietitians and Nutritionists.” (n.d.).
BLS Occupational Outlook Handbook: Dietitians and Nutritionists

“29-1031 Dietitians and Nutritionists.” (n.d.).
BLS Occupational Employment Statistics

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