


在医疗保健领域,人口统计数据可以决定一切. As with dominos in a line, the tipping of a demographic creates a reaction that affects everyone. 这对未来考虑申请大学的学生来说意义重大 online Master of 业务 Administration in Healthcare Administration program.


现在美国的多米诺骨牌正在倒下.S. 是婴儿潮一代的老龄化. In their youth, they were the largest group of children the country had ever seen. 今天, 随着年龄的增长, they are creating many opportunities for professionals pursuing healthcare careers.

50岁以后,医疗费用呈指数增长, and people make about half of their overall lifetime healthcare expenditures during their senior years. 这有两个含义:首先, the number of available healthcare careers is increasing to provide the healthcare services associated with these expenses; second, this accelerated economic activity will send a greater share of our gross domestic product into the healthcare sector. 综上所述, these facts reveal that demand for healthcare managers is also increasing and will steadily do so for many years. 像这样, there are more career opportunities for professionals with MBAs than there actually are qualified people to fill them.

除了对医生的需求, technicians and paraprofessionals are also experiencing a surge in job opportunities. This growth requires highly educated healthcare managers who can manage the hiring, 监督, 培训和提升这些新工人. Further, the increased income from expanded medical services requires professional finance managers. 随着婴儿潮一代使用更多的医疗保健服务, 大部分资金将来自联邦政府. Private healthcare providers need professionals on staff who understand healthcare finances, 营运及市场推广, 着眼于在竞争激烈的环境中盈利. MBA programs can provide the expertise financial officers need to meet these challenges.


As the role of government agencies in healthcare grows so does their need for experienced professionals. 越来越多的婴儿潮一代加入医疗保险, 以及《赌博平台》覆盖面的扩大, increased demand for experts in healthcare management will come to both the public and private sectors. 此外,美国.S. will likely see more public-private partnerships to mitigate the strain on the U.S. 医疗保健系统.

也许最重要的是, the increased demand for healthcare services is the new norm; the Baby Boomers are no longer the most populous generation in the U.S. 事实上, 千禧一代比婴儿潮一代多, 所以婴儿潮一代的人数最终会减少, 千禧一代将以更大的医疗需求取而代之. This trend indicates that healthcare careers will be available to those with the right education for generations to come.

了解 University of Texas Rio Grande Valley MBA with a concentration in Healthcare Administration online program.


马约,B., & 华纳,K. (2004年6月1日). 医疗保健费用的终生分布. 2015年10月20日,摘自 http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1361028/

库尔特,., & Yellin T. (n.d.). 千禧一代比婴儿潮一代更庞大、更多样化. 2015年10月20日,摘自 http://money.cnn.com/interactive/economy/diversity-millennials-boomers/

医疗卫生服务经理. (2014年1月8日). 2015年10月20日,摘自 http://www.bls.gov /哦/Management/ medical-and-health-services-managers.htm

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